How do cat owners in the Portland Metro and Seattle-Tacoma area spent their media day? With Radio and Internet.
If you're in the pet care business Radio is a strong and cost-effective way to move your share of voice and your bottom-line. A new Media Audit study on pet ownership reveals that five of the top ten markets for cat ownership are in the Northwest section of the country. According to the 81 market study, Eugene, Oregon ranks as the top market for cat ownership with nearly half the market (49.1%) who own a cat. The figure is more than double when compared to the general U.S. population, in which 23.8% own a cat. The national figure represents more than 35 million people across. It is estimated that nearly $58 billion was spent by U.S. consumers on the pet industry in 2011, with advertising spending reaching historic heights in 2009 and 2010.
Consering the average yearly cost of owning a cat is around $600 to $900, there is much to be gained in Radio advertising. Cat lovers spend hundreds in cat food, cat litter, and cat toys, as well as having veterinarian services. When a cat reaches seven years of age, vet costs usually increase due to a yearly blood-screening test, changes in food and additional medical costs to treat conditions such as arthritis, or diabetes, which may develop in the older cat.
The Media Audit Annual Consumer Buying Power provides valuable consumer intelligence that allows local media, and media buyers, to compare the amount spent annually on items such as pet food, pets, supplies, medicine, and pet services by different media audiences, thus allowing advertisers to identify which media can provide the best return on investment.
For more information on this study, or for more information on the Annual Consumer Buying Power Reports, contact The Media Audit.
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